My Story

Hi! I’m Cassie!

My name is Cassie Kost. I am a mom and grandma of many. I have a degree in psychology and have served victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence and foster kids for many years.

I loved that work but I also love organizing. In 2020 I decided to start a part-time business organizing people on weekends. I fell in love with it and absolutely adored my customers. I love this work, but I also absolutely love organizing.​

I took a huge leap of faith and decided that it was time to organize full-time in 2024. I do my business with understanding and empathy because we each have a different story.

I get a lot of questions as to why I chose the name that I did for my business. Oftentimes we get caught up in the daily grind. We just toss the mail into a pile and shoes build up at the front entrance. The refrigerator and freezer end up having leftovers from six months ago. The closets are the last thing that we pay attention to because honestly, we are just lucky that we have clean clothes.

It stresses us. We look at the mess and exit the space as quickly as possible. What if we could be present in our homes and with our loved ones vs. feeling like we want to exit the space? What if we felt a sense of peace when we entered that space? It is possible to be present and feel peace in our homes. Our goal is to help get you there.

Years Experience

Spaces Organized


Stress Relieved